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CMCH's educational philosophy & culture

are guided by these core beliefs: 


Therefore we:​

  • demonstrate care and understanding of each learner

  • develop positive relationships with and between all involved in the learners’ learning. 

  • provide a consistently safe, positive and secure environment

  • harness the internal motivation that we believe all people have to learn


Therefore we:

  • believe that people learn best when they work with each
    other rather than against each other

  • build a sense of community and appropriate learning

  • plan for purposeful, collaborative teacher/ teacher,
    teacher / learner and learner/learner interaction

  • use questions and dialogue  as a necessary component
    in education and to deepen understanding of each other

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Therefore we: 

  • believe that people learn best when the learning interests them and  they can see connections between the subject matter and situations beyond the classroom

  • recognize and respond to individual differences in learning styles

  • include and maximize the participation of learners of different abilities

  • personalize instruction through a range of teaching strategies

  • engage learners in multi-sensory experiences.

  • are patient with the time it takes to build meaning and understanding


Therefore we:

  • maintain appropriate expectations that challenge all learners

  • regard all interactions as teaching / learning opportunities

  • communicate confidence in the learners’ abilities and nurture
    their confidence in themselves

  • involve learners in goal setting

  • encourage appropriate risk-taking, so learners can learn and
    grow from their mistakes 

  • encourage perseverance


Therefore we:

  • believe that respect for each other - teachers, elders, peers -  and self, is a prerequisite for learning.

  • model respect and  kindness

  • communicate positive expectations 

  • consider how our own behavior influences the environment

  • maintain classrooms that are structured and organized and clearly teach routines and expectations


Therefore we:

  • guide learners to discover their unique mission to bring holiness into the world

  • together with families, guide learners to develop their Jewish identity and live that identity on a daily basis

  • empower learners to find their place as contributing members of the community

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